Rhodes Airport to Faliraki


Faliraki is situated in the north-east side of Rhodes island. Rhodes Airport to Faliraki distance is 17km while Rhodes town just 16km. Faliraki is very popular for the sandy beach as well as the nightlife. An easy destination to reach as it is located on the main road Rhodes – Lindos. That it is why served by all kind of available transportation methods including public buses, taxis or chauffeur drive services.


How long is the transfer from Rhodes airport to Faliraki?

The ride from Rhodes airport to Faliraki depends on the traffic conditions. Augusts and Septembers are the busiest months but, usually the transfer lasts approximately 19-22 minutes.

How much is a taxi from Rhodes airport to Faliraki?

A taxi from ”Diagoras Airport” taxi station would cost you 35,00 euros. You should be aware in not paying anything more than this as the prices are flat.

How much is a taxi from Faliraki to Rhodes airport?

If you want to move from Faliraki to Rhodes airport by taxi would cost you 30,00 euros. This price is for hailing a taxi on the road. If you call for one or arrange an appointment a specific hour cost would be 35,00 euros.

How long is the transfer from Faliraki to Rhodes airport?

The transfer from Faliraki to Rhodes Airport lasts 17-20 minutes under normal traffic conditions.

How long is the transfer from Faliraki to Rhodes Old Town?

The transfer from Faliraki to Rhodes Airport depends on the traffic conditions but in average lasts 12-15 minutes. There are often bus routes either from the coast road, either from Rhodes-Lindos avenue.

How much is a taxi from Faliraki to Rhodes Old Town?

A ride by taxi from the center of Faliraki to Rhodes Old Town would cost you 20,00 euros. The price varies on the area of Faliraki you are gonna to get the taxi but the difference of the price can’t be more than 5,00 euros extra.

Is Faliraki in Rhodes?

Yes, Faliraki is a well-known tourist resort in Rhodes island. It used to be popular for the nightlife but in nowadays it is more a family resort.

Is Faliraki good for nightlife?

Sure! Faliraki is still a famous nightlife spot. Its legendary bar-street waits the visitors every night to party until morning hours.

What is Faliraki sea temperature?

In general, in July-August-September is the warmest water temperature. You can check what is the current Faliraki sea temperature here.

Is there gay beach in Faliraki?

There are no special beaches for gay in Rhodes island. Gay can visit whatever beach on the island without having any issue.

Is there nudist beach in Faliraki?

Yes, it called Mandomata beach and situated between Kathara and Anthony Quinn beach. It s a great beach with all the needed facilities.